Our Privacy Policy

Welcome to our app. This privacy policy explains our approach to any personal information we might collect and how we ensure the protection of your privacy.

Data Collection

Our app does not collect or store personal information from users except when reporting bugs and other specific cases mentioned below.

Data Use in Bug Reporting

When you report a bug through the app, we automatically include details such as your Android version, SDK version, and phone model in the email. This info is visible to you before you click send. If you don't send, we can't receive it in our email. So if you are not comfortable with it, do not send. This information is solely used to address the reported issue and is not stored by us.

Advertising ID Collection

Our app includes the com.google.android.gms.permission.AD_ID permission and uses Google AdSense to display ads. The Advertising ID may be used for personalized and non-personalized ads. Data collected through AdSense includes device information and may include other data as specified by Google’s AdSense privacy policy.

Third-Party Services

Our app uses third-party services that may collect information used to identify you. Below is a list of third-party services we use:

Your Rights

You may inquire about the data we collect, and you have the right to request that we delete any personal data we might hold.

Changes to This Policy

We may update our Privacy Policy periodically and will notify you of any significant changes.